‘People are coming around to the idea that renting isn’t for losers’ and it remains a valid choice for many people, one of the Government’s leading advisers to the property market has said.
Conor Skehan himself rents a home and is very happy with this decision. Wexford Rentals & Property Management has said that this is the way of many European countries with France and German encouraging this lifestyle.
Speaking about the worrying issues of soaring rents in Dublin, Mr Skehan said “quick fixes have badly damaged Ireland in the past. We are in the business of slow fixes.” “We need to present people with the right housing options at the right times,” he said. While he praised the government for pledging to spend €3.4bn on social housing over the next four years, he urged them to keep the public updated as to progress. “They need to actively let people know what’s happening on a weekly basis,” he said.
Wexford Rentals & Property Management has said that Mr Skehan stated that he would not buy a property again, adding: “I think people are coming around to the idea that renting isn’t for losers, it’s a valid choice for many people.”